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Monday, March 15, 2010

Resourcefulness and Resilience

Our first day of camp, and what a day it was! Language classes, games, basketball, soccer, crafts--paper airplanes and itsy bitsy spider!... We covered them all. Overall, we shared a lot of fun with a lot of amazing kids--and, of course, a few troublemakers! ;)

For Rob and myself, basketball was the name of the game, and I quickly learned how challenging a language barrier can be. Explaining the rules of "knockout" to a group that speaks exclusively Creole is no mean feat! That said, two salient characteristics soon emerged among our campers: resourcefulness and resilience. The few balls we were able to bring spawned countless games of basketball, soccer, and everything else under the sun! In the intervals, between their broken English and my hopeless Creole, many children shared some of the overwhelming trials and tribulations of their young lives. However, while these stories often involved devastating heartbreak, the children never missed a beat. Today was not for mourning: it was a celebration and an opportunity. If nothing else, our camp gave these children a day free from worry and full of fun--in other words, a day of the childhood that so many have missed recently.

In addition, I would be remiss if I did not sing the praises of Voices for Haiti. Our partner, our host, and our keeper, the members of VFH have exceeded all of our wildest expectations with their generosity and organization. Expecting to live this week in the harshest of conditions, we instead arrived to find a clean campground, plenty of space for recreation, and (gasp!) even indoor plumbing. Our meals have been both hearty and delicious, and no two have been alike! Moreover, the VFH staff has attended to our every need with more grace and generosity than I thought possible. In short, they have been a Godsend.

Finally, today brought a profound awareness of--and gratitude for--the bedrock upon which our trip rests: our generous donors. Without your support, our work here would not be possible, and we join the children of Cabaret in thanking you from the bottom of our hearts.

- Jared


  1. What an amazing account of your first day there. I wish you the best this week!

    Thoughts and love,
    Trina, friend of Rob Cornwell

  2. Wow - you said a mouthful! So glad you are able to participate in such a world-wide effort. It's a win-win situation for everyone - some energetic young people are learning to play "knockout", and some slightly older young people are having the experience of a lifetime, and learning so speak Creole as well. Very cool way to spend Spring Break! Have a great week - can't wait to see you when you get home! Love, Mom and Dad

  3. Jared, thank you for the reassurance that the DRN volunteers are being well cared for by the ministry of Voices for Haiti. Moms want to know those things ;). What a rich experience it must be to serve those children and bring light to their days. I'm certain none of you will come home unchanged. Know that I am praying for all of you and for the people of Haiti.
    Kelly's Mom
    P.S. Love you, Kel!
